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forth is an unusual language in that it is stack based [Googlism]



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Keine neuen Cliés mehr

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Keine neuen Cliés mehr ...zumindest außerhalb Japans nicht mehr. Somit wurde der Handheldmarkt von 3 auf 2 Anbieter reduziert.

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Boundary Checks with gforth

updated by rck, 2004-05-21
Boundary Checks with gforth Forth is a fascinating language. I've been hunting a bug in definition of mere 5 words for quite some weeks now. Now that I know, why things are the way the are, it seems quite trivial. I'm documenting the definition of check-range ( u lower-bound upper-bound -- ), while I still know about it.

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